
Compliance with the Contractual Line in the Construction Sector (Part 2)
One might think that a supplier, for the purposes, is a simple contractor or sub-contractor, however, its importance is accentuated if we consider the role that it can play in the execution of a construction.

Compliance with the Contractual Line in the Construction Sector (Part 1)
By a fortunate coincidence, my professional life has led me to interact with the construction sector, enough to consolidate several concepts very typical of the industry, […]

The Guarantee Function of the Promise Letter (Part 2)
A somewhat obvious question would be why is it necessary to have a promise to pay letter? In this context, the promise of payment letter allows a good to be acquired without having […]

The Guarantee Function of the Promise Letter (Part 1)
In this first opportunity we will refer to a legal figure widely used in our market. From a very particular approach we will talk about the promise of payment letter […]

Unfair Competition from Company Sources
Undoubtedly, this is a topic that many of us find familiar, especially if we are in charge of a company, however, the tendency is to think that it is the competition that comes from our […]

Increase in the Price of the Sale of Real Estate Project
As a lawyer, our training obliges us (although I confess that personal conviction weighs more) to defend the respect and enforceability of the rights and obligations that are agreed within a contract.